$da7[5] "; } stop($lim); ?> "; $lim3=connect(); $tiny=""; $r0=mysql_query("select * from sms_mega_downloads where type='FLASH' and cname='$cPath' order by cname asc",$lim3); while($d0=mysql_fetch_row($r0)){ $tiny="$d0[2]"; break; } if($tiny=="") echo""; else echo""; $re721=mysql_query("select * from sms_webhost where identity='$cPath' order by id asc",$lim3); while($da721=mysql_fetch_row($re721)){ $ttz="$da721[5]"; echo"
"; break; } stop($lim3); echo""; ?>
Sister Concerns

"; } stop($lim3); ?>
"; $r111=mysql_query("select * from sms_mega_downloads where cname='$cPath' and type='NORMAL' order by id",$lim3); while($d111=mysql_fetch_row($r111)){ $imgsrc="$d111[2]"; break; } echo"

"; echo"


"; $r111=mysql_query("select * from sms_mega_downloads where cname='$cPath' and type='PHOTO-GALLERY' order by id",$lim3); while($d111=mysql_fetch_row($r111)){ echo""; $ttt=0; $r111=mysql_query("select * from sms_mega_downloads where cname='$cPath' and type='PHOTO-GALLERY' order by id",$lim3); while($d111=mysql_fetch_row($r111)){ $ttt=($ttt+1); echo""; if($ttt>=4){ echo""; $ttt=0; } } echo"


"; } if($cPath=="CONTACT US"){ ?>

Name :
Organization :
Phone :
Email :


"; $re72=mysql_query("select * from sms_country order by id asc",$lim3); while($da72=mysql_fetch_row($re72)){ echo"$da72[1] :



"; } echo""; } if(isset($rep)){ echo""; $re72=mysql_query("select * from sms_country where country='$rep' order by id desc",$lim3); while($da72=mysql_fetch_row($re72)){ echo""; } echo"
$da72[1] :



"; } } stop($lim3); ?>